Powder for oral solution
Each sachet of Forlax® contains 10 grams of macrogol 4000.1

Forlax® is an osmotic laxative used for the symptomatic treatment of chronic functional constipation in adults and children aged 8 years and above.2

To treat constipation:

  • 1 to 2 sachets per day
  • Preferably as a single dose in the morning
My genius gut > FORLAX®

Forlax®, a laxative medication to fight constipation.1

Forlax® is an osmotic laxative used for the symptomatic treatment of chronic functional constipation in adults and children aged 8 years and above.2

The treatment of constipation with medicinal products is only an adjuvant to a healthy lifestyle and dietary management of constipation, with a maximum 3-month treatment course in children.1

Forlax® Macrogol 4000 mode of action

How does Forlax® work?

Forlax® belongs to the family of osmotic laxatives.2 It contains 10 g of macrogol 4000.1

When taken by the oral route it leads to an increase in the volume of fluid in the intestine providing better hydration of the stool, giving the stool a soft consistency, and stimulates your body to pass them.1,3

Effects of Forlax® become apparent within 24 hours to 48 hours after its administration.1

What is the form of Forlax®?

Pack forlax
Pack forlax

Powder for oral solution

20 sachets – Orange-grapefuit flavor
Dissolve each sachet in a glass of water just before use.

Forlax posology is 1 or 2 sachets per day in a glass of water

How to use Forlax® ?

Forlax posology is 1 or 2 sachets per day in a glass of water
  • Oral use.
  • 1 to 2 sachets per day, preferably as a single dose in the morning.
  • Dissolve each sachet in a glass of water just before use.
  • For single use only- discard unused solution.
  • Treatment in children should not exceed 3 months.
  • Treatment in adults should be reassessed at 3 months.
  • The daily dose should be adapted to the treatment response and may range from one sachet every other day (especially in children), up to two sachets a day.
  • The effects of Forlax® become apparent within 24 hours to 48 hours after administration.

Forlax®: what you should know1,3

  • Forlax ®has no sugar, no salt.
  • Forlax® does not contain a significant quantity of sugar or polyol and can be prescribed for diabetics and patients on a galactose-free diet.

Do not take Forlax®: 2

  • If you are hypersensitive (allergic) to macrogol.
  • Have severe inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis) or an abnormally distended colon (megacolon) associated with narrowing of the bowel.
  • Have a hole in the wall of the bowel or are at risk of intestinal perforation.
  • Have impaired bowel passage caused by paralysis of the bowel, bowel distension (ileus) or a suspected bowel (intestinal) obstruction.
  • Have abdominal pain without knowing the cause.
  • Have a hereditary fructose intolerance.


The most common side-effects in both adults and children are diarrhoea and abdominal pain.1

Forlax® is a white or almost white powder having a reminiscent odor of orange and grapefruit.1 Store at or below 30 °C.1

Keep out of the reach of children.1

For further information refer to the Forlax® Package Insert.(PDF)

1: Forlax® Package Insert. March 2015.
2: Forlax® Patient Information Leaflet. March 2015.
3: NHSinform. Constipation. [Internet]. 2018. Available from: (Accessed 18 October 2018).